6. maj 2024 13:57

Djuric: New Serbian government looking to future

Autor: Tanjug


Foto: Tanjug video, arhiva

BELGRADE - Serbian FM Marko Djuric said on Monday the new Serbian government was a government of the future and one that was looking to the future.

Speaking to Pink TV, Djuric said PM Milos Vucevic's cabinet was not projecting Serbia's policy for the next four years but the next four decades.

Reacting to comments about the new government allegedly being pro-American or pro-Russian, Djuric noted that it was pro-Serbian.

"As for its foreign policy orientation - or mine - I must say it is a freedom-loving orientation. Serbia will be conducting a nationally responsible foreign policy and outstretching its hand while safeguarding its dignity. We are in the business of making friends for our country, but at the same time, we will respond with determination to all those attacking our interests," Djuric said.

Serbia will not neglect its traditional friendships, he said.

"We will cherish our friendships with both PR China and the Russian Federation as well as with countries around the world - former Non-Aligned countries - that have helped us win the bid to host the EXPO," Djuric said.

Serbia also very much cares about continuing to develop its relationship with the US, he added.