16. januar 2023 14:47

Brnabic, Vucevic: Defence against hacker attacks successful

Autor: Tanjug



BELGRADE - Serbian PM Ana Brnabic said on Monday recent hacker attacks by the hacker group Anonymous had taken down only one website in Serbia - the website of the national weather service.

Brnabic noted that the website was outside the system of government-run websites but that that would have to change.

"None (of the websites in the government-run system) were under threat. That does not mean we are strong enough, we must work more. Those who want to take down our websites cannot do that," Brnabic told a Guard House press conference.

Responding to questions from reporters, Defence Minister Milos Vucevic said the websites of the Serbian Armed Forces and the Defence Ministry had been targeted by continuous hacker attacks but that the Military Security Agency and other state agencies had successfully defended the portals.

"I can say we have defended ourselves from those hacker attacks. We analysed what countries the cyber attack came from - it came from the region and a part of it came from Europe, but we have the capabilities to defend ourselves from such attacks," Vucevic said.