15. maj 2024 13:17

Dacic meets with Interpol secretary-general

Autor: Tanjug



BELGRADE - Serbian Interior Minister Ivica Dacic met with Interpol Secretary-General Jurgen Stock on Wednesday, conveying Serbia's interest in deepening its intensive cooperation with the organisation.

Dacic noted that the Serbian Interior Ministry was a dependable partner in the fight against organised crime, the ministry said in a statement.

The parties agreed Interpol was an indispensable factor in the joint fight against transnational organised crime and that existing Interpol databases and tools must be developed and improved further.

Dacic noted that his ministry would continue to work on implementation of projects from recent years and to deepen the cooperation with Interpol in the future.

Stock said Serbia was recognised by Interpol as a leader in cooperation and that, according to relevant Interpol data, it was a good example in all elements of the international police organisation's work.

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