6. jun 2024 14:19

Petkovic: Kurti prepared only to terrorise Serbs

Autor: Tanjug



BELGRADE - The only thing Pristina's PM Albin Kurti is prepared for is to terrorise the Serbs, especially in the north of Kosovo-Metohija, as demonstrated on a daily basis by his violent, unilateral moves, the head of the Serbian government Office for Kosovo-Metohija Petar Petkovic said on Thursday.

Petkovic was reacting to a statement by Kurti that he was ready to submit a statute of a Community of Serb Municipalities to the so-called Kosovo's constitutional court only in case Belgrade met its commitments from the dialogue.

"Whilst, for more than two years, Kurti has been accusing Belgrade of purportedly wanting unrest in the region, it has turned out that he himself is the only bully and pyromaniac in the Balkans," Petkovic said, noting that, in addition to using sheer violence, Kurti had banned the Serbs from using the dinar and receiving their salaries and pensions in Kosovo-Metohija.

"With the same obsession with which he has been persecuting the Serbs in the past three years, he could have committed to meeting the obligations from the dialogue and the signed agreements, and the Serbs would already have had an established Community of Serb Municipalities and guaranteed safety, which they now do not have because of Kurti and the rampage of his parapolice phalanxes, and shootings and beatings of Serb children," Petkovic said.

"Belgrade has met all its commitments from the dialogue, and the Serbs' reaction to the years of terror is no alibi for Kurti to avoid his commitments. Just like he has continued the illegal (land) expropriation in the north of Kosovo-Metohija, although halting those unlawful actions was a commitment he swore by while he was hoping for Council of Europe admission, under the same model, he is deceiving the public and international representatives about having good will to table a draft statute of the Community of Serb Municipalities to the so-called constitutional court," Petkovic said in a statement released by the Office for Kosovo-Metohija.