26. decembar 2024 17:42
Belgrade Ministerial Declaration on AI officially adopted
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BELGRADE - The Serbian Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation said on Thursday a Belgrade Ministerial Declaration on Artificial Intelligence had been officially adopted with consent from 44 member states of the Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI) and the EU.
In a statement, the ministry said the move demonstrated that GPAI members were making progress on implementing an integrated partnership by embracing AI technologies as a catalyst of economic and social development while reducing risks and ensuring that the technologies benefitted both humans and the planet.
Minister Jelena Begovic said the adoption of the declaration was a major diplomatic success for Serbia.
"After the GPAI summit, 44 countries have now adopted a declaration put forward by our country, and that is a great success. The significance of this declaration is reflected in the fact it insists on mechanisms whereby AI will be regulated legally and ethically in the future," Begovic said, noting that the large number of countries involved gave "weight and value" to the agreement reached.
She said that, among other issues, the declaration focused on bridging the development gap between countries.