10. oktobar 2023 14:43

Serbia's GDP growth to reach 2 pct in 2023, 3 pct in 2024

Autor: Tanjug


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Serbia's GDP growth to reach 2 pct in 2023, 3 pct in 2024

Foto: Shutterstock.com/Kristi Blokhin, ilustracija

MARRAKESH - Serbia's GDP growth will reach 2 pct in 2023 and accelerate to 3 pct next year, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) said in its latest forecast, released on Tuesday.

It said the eurozone would see 0.7 pct GDP growth in 2023 and 1.2 pct growth in 2024.

The German economy will shrink by 0.5 pct this year and grow by 0.9 pct in 2024, it said.

The IMF also said US economic growth would remain at 2.1 pct this year but decelerate to 1.5 pct in 2024.