12. oktobar 2023 15:23

Mali: Around 20 new institutions, investors, seeking cooperation with Serbia

Autor: Tanjug


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Mali: Around 20 new institutions, investors, seeking cooperation with Serbia

Foto: Tanjug video

MARRAKESH - Serbian Deputy PM and Finance Minister Sinisa Mali said on Thursday Serbia had presented itself in the right way to investors at the International Monetary Fund-World Bank annual meetings in Marrakesh and that his meeting with Bank of America representatives had been attended by around 20 new financial institutions interested in investing in and cooperating with Serbia.

"The interest from investors is enormous, which is good news for our citizens. We issued one bond in January and investor interest was ten times greater than what we were looking for, which is also being confirmed today. I had an opportunity to speak at a meeting with the Bank of America, where there were around 20 other institutions and investors interested in working with Serbia," Mali told Tanjug.

We presented our country in the right way in Marrakesh and further boosted the interest of investors, Mali said.

He said he had presented Serbia's results to investors and that they had had nothing to say to that as numbers demonstrating the country's achievements spoke for themselves.

He noted that it was very important that Serbia's economy was still growing and that the public debt was under control.

Also, employment is record-high while the unemployment rate is at an all-time low, Mali said, noting that no investments had been halted in Serbia despite the difficult global conditions.