25. oktobar 2023 13:36

Serbian August average net monthly wage at 86,112 dinars

Autor: Tanjug


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Serbian August average net monthly wage at 86,112 dinars

Foto: Shutterstock.com/librakv, ilustracija

BELGRADE - The Serbian average net monthly wage in August was 86,112 dinars, according to figures released by the national statistical office RZS.

The average gross wage was 118,918 dinars.

Average gross and net wages between January and August were up by 15.2 pct y-o-y in nominal terms and by 0.7 pct y-o-y in real terms.

Year-on-year, the August average gross and net wages were up by 14.4 pct in nominal terms and by 2.6 pct in real terms, the RZS said.

The median net wage in August was 66,401 dinars, meaning that 50 pct of the employed population received wages up to that amount.

(1 euro = 117.18 dinars)