11. septembar 2024 13:25

Vucic: Signing of FTA discussed with Herzog

Autor: Tanjug


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Vucic: Signing of FTA discussed with Herzog


BELGRADE - Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Wednesday his discussion with Israeli President Isaac Herzog at the Palace of Serbia earlier in the day had addressed the soonest possible signing of a FTA between Serbia and Israel.

"Today, we discussed all important matters, cooperation between our two countries. Later, after our major, important meeting on innovation, technology, AI and the ICT sector, you will also see the signing of several agreements. For us, it is extremely important to make a FTA with the State of Israel as soon as possible," Vucic said at a press conference with Herzog.

He said he was confident the move would be mutually beneficial and added that it could be made much more quickly compared to standard procedures.

Vucic said he was proud that there were no outbursts of anti-Semitism in Belgrade and Serbia and that the local Jewish community was feeling well and secure as were all visiting athletes and cultural professionals.