11. septembar 2024 14:57

Herzog: Serbia's growth to generate boundless opportunities for cooperation

Autor: Tanjug


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Herzog: Serbia's growth to generate boundless opportunities for cooperation


BELGRADE - Israeli President Isaac Herzog said in Belgrade on Wednesday the people of Serbia and Israel maintained friendship and good relations, and noted that Serbia's continued growth would generate boundless opportunities for cooperation.

"There is so much we have yet to accomplish... in various fields - political, strategic, commercial, cultural - for the well-being of our nations," Herzog said at a press conference with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic.

"I am truly optimistic and delighted to be joined on my state visit today by a senior Israeli economic delegation seeking to develop ties in Serbia in critical fields..., focusing on science, industry, technology and commerce. Their presence is a firm expression of the Israeli commitment to deepen our economic and trade relations," he said.

"There are countless examples of Serbia's economic development, such as its election to host EXPO 2027, and Israel could not have been more proud to support this winning bid," he said.

He also said Israel supported Serbia's EU accession path.

Noting that tens of thousands of Israeli tourists had "discovered the beauties of Serbia," Herzog said Serbia had great potential in the tourism industry.

He also noted that Serbia had unequivocally condemned the October 7 massacre committed by Hamas.

"Since October 7, you have also hosted Israeli athletes in Serbia for international events," he also said.

"This warm state of relations between our nations is not new. It has followed a rich, shared history of solidarity between the Serbian and the Jewish people. Yet, we do not shy away from acknowledging the dark periods of history as well. During humanity's darkest times, the Holocaust, centuries of Jewish life were annihilated in Europe by the Nazis and their collaborators. Many here in Serbia resisted the Nazis bravely and some even risked their own lives to save Jews," Herzog said.

"I look forward to hosting you in Jerusalem soon," he told Vucic.

In his address, Vucic said the Serbs had always stood with the Jews - in the most difficult times as well as today.

Vucic and Herzog posed for a photo with the mother of Alon Ohel, a Serbian/Israeli man who went missing after the Hamas attack on a music festival in southern Israel.

She held a photo of her son.

Vucic appealed to all who could to help ensure Ohel's release.