24. septembar 2024 16:55

Dacic: No dramatic turn to West, relations with Russia, China not in jeopardy

Autor: Tanjug


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Dacic: No dramatic turn to West, relations with Russia, China not in jeopardy


NOVI SAD - Serbian Interior Minister Ivica Dacic said on Monday he disagreed with interpretations that Serbia had made a dramatic turn to the West, and noted that its relations with Russia and China were in no jeopardy.

"When it comes to the US, significant progress has been made in our relations, even though there are differences on the substantial issue - the Kosovo-Metohija issue. When it comes to the EU, there is no doubt the issue of progress towards the EU is tied to the issue of the fate of dialogue with Pristina, and that is why we are managing to stay on the European path while defending, in a principled manner, our position on the territorial integrity of Serbia," Dacic said on RTV.

He said Serbia's relations with Russia and China had not been in jeopardy at any time but were developing, and noted that this was especially the case with the ties with China.

"That is a priority of our foreign policy. The balanced foreign policy, a foreign policy that is in the national and state interest - trying to gain new friends if we can but without losing old ones - has produced good results," Dacic said.

Commenting on an energy deal recently signed with the US, Dacic said Serbia had signed an identical agreement with Russia 16 years ago.

"That will in no way change our position when it comes to Russia and China. None of those agreements are aimed at neutralising earlier agreements with Russia and China. Diversification of the energy market was also our goal before this and it was never our objective to be oriented towards only one side," Dacic explained.