1. oktobar 2024 18:33

Vucic: Authorities to look into possibilities of prosecuting those behind threats to Tanjug

Autor: Tanjug


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Vucic: Authorities to look into possibilities of prosecuting those behind threats to Tanjug

Foto: Tanjug/video

GENEVA - Commenting on threats emailed to Tanjug, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Tuesday Serbian authorities would verify everything about the case and look into possibilities of prosecuting the perpetrators.

"We will be verifying that, and I will speak with our authorities to look into possibilities of prosecuting such people. Feel free and keep doing your job," Vucic told a Tanjug reporter when asked to comment on the threats.

On Monday evening, the Tanjug News Agency received an email signed by an individual named "Trim Bardhi" that said Tanjug journalists would get "a bullet to the back of their heads" the next time they set foot in the territory of Serbia's Autonomous Province of Kosovo-Metohija.

On Tuesday, Serbian Minister of Information and Telecommunications Dejan Ristic said the threat had been emailed from Albanian territory and that it was the most serious one a Serbian media outlet had received in years.

Vucic said the email might have been sent by someone who had left Kosovo-Metohija and gone to Albania, and added that such emails usually did not come from Kosovo-Metohija, but from Switzerland, Germany, Austria and other countries.