10. decembar 2022 21:14

Vucic: We will request deployment of our troops to Kosovo-Metohija

Autor: Tanjug


podeli vest

Vucic: We will request deployment of our troops to Kosovo-Metohija


BELGRADE - Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Saturday evening Belgrade had coordinated a written request to KFOR to ensure deployment of Serbian army and police troops to Kosovo-Metohija under UN SC Resolution 1244, but noted that he was under no illusion the request would be accepted.

In a public address, Vucic said the Serbian government would make a decision on the request on Monday or Tuesday and that it would be sent to the KFOR commander.

"We are under no illusion whatsoever that they will accept it - they will find countless reasons and tell us that KFOR is in control there, although they do not have the right to do so. Then we will seek new legal moves Serbia will be governed by in the future," Vucic said.

He also said Pristina had trampled the Washington Agreement completely and would submit an official EU membership bid in Brussels on December 15.

"That is a very unpleasant development and it represents a destruction of the Washington Agreement. After the request for Council of Europe membership, they will now submit a request for EU membership with much fanfare," Vucic said.

He said that he had written to the presidents and the PMs of the five EU member states that did not recognise Kosovo - Greece, Romania, Cyprus, Slovakia and Spain - because only sovereign states could request membership in the EU, and noted that the so-called Kosovo was not one.

"I thanked them all for supporting Serbia on territorial integrity, which is ensuring peace in the region, and I pointed to the fact that our joint fight for respect of international law and the UN Charter is the only principle," Vucic said.

He said he expected principled responses from the five states and added that he had pointed out Pristina's recent actions to provide an additional argument.

Pristina no longer respects either the Washington Agreement or the Brussels Agreement, Vucic noted.