12. april 2023 14:46

Brnabic receives US Congressman Swalwell

Autor: Tanjug


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Brnabic receives US Congressman Swalwell


BELGRADE - Serbian PM Ana Brnabic received US Congressman Eric Swalwell on Wednesday to discuss bilateral relations, business and economic cooperation and strengthening of efforts to achieve peace and stability in the region.

Brnabic said the US was one of Serbia's most significant economic partners and that economic ties were developing intensively in various areas.

She said the US was currently Serbia's largest export partner in the services sector and that the inflow of investment by US companies was growing, and added that there was substantial financial assistance through various development aid programmes and that US companies were involved in execution of capital infrastructure projects, the government press service said in a statement.

Swalvell thanked Brnabic for the constructive conversation and for Serbia's activities in development of regional cooperation, as well as for the manner in which Belgrade was conducting the process of normalisation of relations with Pristina.

In conclusion, Swalwell said he would be returning to the US Congress with a message that Serbia was an economically strong and stable country with a growing economic potential and a good investment climate.