5. septembar 2023 17:14

Orlic: Parliament to elect new minister of economy on Wednesday

Autor: Tanjug


podeli vest

Orlic: Parliament to elect new minister of economy on Wednesday


BELGRADE - Parliament Speaker Vladimir Orlic set Wednesday as the day for a vote to elect Serbia's new minister of economy.

"I hereby set Wednesday 11.30 am as the date for a vote on the third item of the agenda - election of the minister of economy," Orlic announced on Tuesday during a parliamentary session that was disrupted by opposition parties.

Slobodan Cvetkovic has been put forward as new minister of economy.

PM Ana Brnabic said the move was no coincidence as Serbia was to host a major event such as EXPO 2027 and that, after a decade in charge at the Novi Sad Fair, Cvetkovic had vast knowledge and experience when it comes to organising large-scale events.