26. decembar 2022 17:47

Patriarch Porfirije: Door of my home locked to me

Autor: Tanjug


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Patriarch Porfirije: Door of my home locked to me


BELGRADE - Patriarch Porfirije of the Serbian Orthodox Church said on Monday the door of his home was locked to him after Pristina's police banned him from entering Kosovo-Metohija earlier in the day.

"As the patriarch, I set off to the first and foremost seat of my church. As a priest, I set off to be with my people ahead of the most joyful holiday. As a citizen, I set off to my house, to my home. From the moment I have set off on this path, I have been repeating: Wherever I have been outside of Kosovo-Metohija, I have been in foreign land. It is only in Kosovo-Metohija that I am at home," the patriarch wrote in an Instagram post.

"Today, the door of my home was locked to me, and I pray to God that he unlock the hearts of those who have locked it and that the love of Christmas and the birth of the Saviour touch the minds and the conscience of all people," he added.