31. oktobar 2023 17:14

Vucic: Gas interconnector with Bulgaria to be opened by end-November

Autor: Tanjug


podeli vest

Vucic: Gas interconnector with Bulgaria to be opened by end-November


BELGRADE - Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Tuesday after meeting with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen a Serbia-Bulgaria gas interconnector - under construction with substantial support from the EU - would be opened by end-November.

"We had very good discussions today and we will have them all day. I am pleased with that because the European Commission president's visit to Belgrade is of enormous significance to our country," Vucic said at a joint press conference with von der Leyen at the Palace of Serbia.

He noted the EU was by far Serbia's top economic partner by all parameters.

"The EU accounts for as much as two thirds of our goods exports, half of our services exports and three fifths of all FDI," Vucic said.

"We are working with the EU on development of the energy infrastructure," he said.

"We expect the gas interconnector with Bulgaria to be completed in 15 days and opened, with all permits, in less than a month, by the end of November," Vucic said.

"To us, that is very important for diversification of gas supplies," he added.