7. novembar 2023 18:13

Brnabic: Relations with Azerbaijan at historical high point

Autor: Tanjug


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Brnabic: Relations with Azerbaijan at historical high point


BELGRADE - Serbian PM Ana Brnabic met with Azerbaijani FM Jeyhun Bayramov in Belgrade on Tuesday.

Brnabic noted that overall Serbia-Azerbaijan relations were at a historical high point and added that this was best testified by the two presidential visits exchanged last year within a period of just one month.

Brnabic thanked Azerbaijan for supporting the preservation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Serbia, the Serbian government said in a statement.

Brnabic said the good and substantial relations between the two countries needed to be expanded further to include other forms of cooperation, such as cooperation in the energy sector, the economy, agriculture, the pharmaceuticals industry and biotech.

Bayramov expressed Azerbaijan's firm and principled position when it comes to supporting Serbia's efforts to preserve its sovereignty and territorial integrity.

He said Azerbaijan's support to Serbia in international institutions would be continued unconditionally and that this was best demonstrated by its vote against launching the procedure of reviewing the so-called "Kosovo's" application for membership in the Council of Europe.

He remarked that Serbia's economic progress had become even more evident since his last visit to Belgrade a few years ago and said he believed economic relations between the two countries would be advanced significantly as part of further development of their strategic partnership.

Brnabic cordially thanked Azerbaijan for also supporting Serbia's bid to host EXPO 2027 and invited the country to take part in the prestigious event.