29. decembar 2022 18:35

Dacic receives Romania's special Western Balkans envoy


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Dacic receives Romania's special Western Balkans envoy


BELGRADE- Serbian First Deputy PM and FM Ivica Dacic met with Romania's special Western Balkans envoy Adrian Davidoiu on Thursday.

The parties said they were pleased with bilateral relations and agreed that Serbia-Romania ties were characterised by traditional friendship, closeness and cooperation.

Dacic thanked Romania for its principled stance regarding the preservation of Serbia's territorial integrity in Kosovo-Metohija, support for Serbia's positions on the situation in Kosovo-Metohija, as well for its continued support to Serbia in the EU integration process.

Davidoiu informed Dacic of the fundamental goals and the framework of his mandate and of a readiness to bolster institutional and economic preconditions for accelerated EU accession of Western Balkan states.

In particular, the parties noted that there was significant space for boosting economic cooperation, above all, in projects of significance to infrastructure, transport and energy connectivity between the two countries, in the green and circular economy, as well as in terms of further expansion of bilateral trade, which has been on a significant rise in recent years, the Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement.