14. novembar 2023 19:28

Dacic: Relocation of memorial plaque in Pristina an unacceptable, scandalous move

Autor: Tanjug


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Dacic: Relocation of memorial plaque in Pristina an unacceptable, scandalous move

Foto: Tanjug video

BELGRADE - Serbian FM Ivica Dacic said on Tuesday the relocation of a plaque commemorating fallen Serbian soldiers from the Balkan Wars and WWI in the military section of the Serbian Orthodox cemetery in Pristina was a scandalous move, especially as it came from countries that should be extremely respectful of the contribution made by Serbia during WWI.

"Since the decision was made at the proposal of the French and German embassies, while no one informed the Serbs living there or Serbian institutions, this is a scandalous act, regardless of the fact there are some excuses they are using. There is no politicisation of this act here - the act itself is disgraceful politicisation committed under pressure from ethnic Albanian political factors in Pristina," Dacic told Tanjug.

He noted that Pristina wanted everything that was Serbian removed, relocated or destroyed and that hence it also had a problem with memorials and plaques commemorating the large number of fatalities suffered by the Serbs during the Balkan Wars and in WWI.

"Since we consider Kosovo as part of Serbia, this is not a subject of activities by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in terms of reactions, but our state authorities dealing with Kosovo-Metohija issues will definitely take all measures to point out to representatives of those countries that such a move is unacceptable," Dacic said.

Asked if the move could erode Serbia's relations with France and Germany, Dacic responded the issue should not be discussed "in such categories" but that the move must be condemned.

"Even if we were the best possible friends, if a move is bad, we must condemn it. In that regard, we definitely condemn the gesture in the strongest terms," Dacic said.