5. februar 2024 13:00

Dacic: Kosovo-Metohija issue paramount state and national interest of Serbia

Autor: Tanjug


podeli vest

Dacic: Kosovo-Metohija issue paramount state and national interest of Serbia


BELGRADE - Serbian First Deputy PM and FM Ivica Dacic said on Monday the Kosovo-Metohija issue was a paramount state and national interest and that preserving the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia was a top foreign policy priority.

In a speech to Diplomatic Academy students, Dacic said that, as in the past, Serbia would conduct an independent foreign policy based primarily on preservation of state and national interests while always respecting the fundamental principles of international law and the UN Charter.

"What is ahead of you is the very responsible task of investing maximum efforts in gaining new knowledge necessary for representing Serbia's national interests in the best possible way. You need to always have in mind the foreign policy priorities of the Republic of Serbia, which I am certain you know well," Dacic said.

He added that the list of foreign policy priorities also included full EU membership and military neutrality, advancement of good-neighbourly and regional cooperation, development of relations with all stakeholders in the international political arena both bilaterally and multilaterally, by building new and strengthening old and traditional friendships.