14. februar 2024 17:19

Vucic: Serbia to always safeguard its neutrality, protect its people, skies

Autor: Tanjug


podeli vest

Vucic: Serbia to always safeguard its neutrality, protect its people, skies


NIS - Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Wednesday Serbia would always safeguard its military neutrality as well as protect its people and its skies.

"We will have sufficient capabilities for that, always enough leading-edge arms and always enough brave hearts," Vucic said in an address in Nis, where he attended a display of Serbian Armed Forces arms and military equipment.

He asked those who had gathered at the event to give a round of applause for Serbian Armed Forces troops and army veterans, who he said were great fighters and heroes.

"We have a lot to learn from our past, but it seems to me that the most important thing is to see how we can push the country forward and make economic progress, think about higher salaries and pensions, but never forget the highest value for Serbia, all its citizens as well as the Serbs as a whole - freedom," Vucic said.

We must never sacrifice freedom at any cost, he added.

"That is why I am a proud president of Serbia who can say today that Serbia is free, independent and that it makes its decisions on its own," Vucic noted, congratulating the people of Nis and all of Serbia on Statehood Day - February 15.