12. januar 2023 18:32

Chollet: Dialogue must focus on German-French proposal, Community

Autor: Tanjug


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Chollet: Dialogue must focus on German-French proposal, Community

Foto: Tanjug video

BELGRADE - Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on Thursday hosted a working luncheon for US State Department Counsellor Derek Chollet, who noted that the US was pushing for focus on an agenda under which Belgrade and Pristina must turn to discussions about a so-called French-German proposal for resolving the Kosovo-Metohija crisis as well as to swift establishment of a Community of Serb Municipalities.

The US will always back all efforts aimed at maintaining peace and stability, said Chollet, whom Vucic informed of developments in Kosovo-Metohija, the presidential press office said in a statement.

Vucic noted that, as always in the past, Serbia was approaching seriously and responsibly any new escalations resulting from unilateral moves by the Pristina interim institutions, and that it remained committed to a policy of peace, stability, dialogue and a constructive position on all open issues.

Vucic added that he expected the US to recognise Serbia's efforts in that sense and use its undoubted influence to encourage Pristina to meet undertaken commitments under accepted and signed agreements, as well as to continue dialogue in the spirit of an open and sincere exchange of proposals for resolving specific challenges.

Vucic and Chollet also discussed energy security, regional economic connectivity and Serbia's role in maintaining peace and stability in the region, as well as continuation of the EU-facilitated dialogue with the aim of normalising relations with Pristina.

Vucic and Chollet also discussed initiatives for regional connectivity and for boosting cooperation among Western Balkan states, as well as untapped potentials in development of bilateral and economic cooperation between Serbia and the US.

They agreed that stepped-up overall bilateral relations were a common strategic interest for both countries and that efforts by both sides towards even quicker and more multi-faceted strengthening of cooperation in many fields must be advanced further.

Vucic said he was pleased with growing interest among US companies in investing and doing business in Serbia, as well as with the fact the US business elite had recognised the excellent potentials for investing in Serbia as well as a stable business environment in which foreign companies had been operating successfully for many years now.

They agreed that firm economic ties and expansion of business cooperation in all fields of mutual interest were one of the foundations for further strengthening of the comprehensive Serbia-US partnership.