6. jun 2024 09:30
Južnokorejski aktivisti poslali propagandne letke u balonima Severnoj Koreji
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SEUL - Aktivisti iz grupe koja okuplja građane Severne Koreje koji su prebegli u Južnu Koreju saopštili su da su danas poslali preko granice oko 10 velikih plastičnih balona koji nose propagandne letke protiv severnokorejskog režima.
Šef grupe "Borci za slobodnu Severnu Koreju" (FFNK) Park Sang-hak rekao je da su baloni poslati iz grada Počeona, severno od glavnog grada Južne Koreje, Seula, i da se u njima nalazi 200.000 flajera u kojima se kritikuje severnokorejski režim, kao i USB memorije sa pop muzikom, preneo je Jonhap.
Severna Koreja je od prošle sedmice poslala gotovo 1.000 balona koji su nosili smeće u Južnu Koreju, navodeći da je reč o odgovoru Pjongjanga na slanje propagandnih letaka iz Južne Koreje protiv severnokorejskog režima.
FFNK je poslao balone preko granice, iako su takvi akti zabranjeni u Južnoj Koreji zakonom koji je usvojen za vreme prethodne vlade u cilju smanjenja tenzija u pograničnim regionima.
A North Korean defectors group said
Thursday it has sent about 10 large plastic balloons carrying
propaganda leaflets against the North Korean regime across the
border, raising concerns Pyongyang could resume sending
trash-filled balloons.
Filled with 200,000 flyers criticizing the regime, dollar bills
and USB sticks loaded with K-pop and trot music, the balloons were
floated from Pocheon, north of Seoul, early Thursday, according to
Park Sang-hak, head of the Fighters for a Free North Korea FFNK.
Since last week, Pyongyang has sent nearly 1,000 balloons
carrying trash to the South in what it called a "tit-for-tat"
action against such anti-Pyongyang leaflet campaigns.
After the South Korean government on Sunday warned of
"unendurable" measures, including resuming loudspeaker
broadcasting, the North said it will temporarily halt dropping
balloons across the border.
North Korea, however, also warned it will send "a hundred times
the amount of toilet paper and filth" of what the South sends,
raising concerns the reclusive country could start the waste-filled
campaign again.
The FFNK has sent balloons carrying similar goods across the
border although such acts are banned in South Korea under a law
that was legislated during the previous administration to help
reduce tensions in the border regions.
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20240606 0943 KST