21. decembar 2022 18:25

Vucic: Baku-Belgrade flights to be launched by end-2023


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Vucic: Baku-Belgrade flights to be launched by end-2023


BAKU - Wrapping up an official visit to Azerbaijan, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said direct flights between Belgrade and Baku would be established by the end of 2023 and that the move would be good for tourism and business contacts.

Speaking to Serbian reporters in Baku, Vucic said that the city, "a beautiful place at the Caspian Sea", would be three hours and ten minutes away by plane.

"That will be excellent for Serbian tourists and businesspeople, as well as for Azerbaijani businesspeople visiting Serbia," Vucic said, noting that, besides flights to Chicago, slated for an April launch, the flights to Baku would be "another major and significant route we will organise in 2023."