15. jul 2024 12:42

Vucic to travel to London for European Political Community meeting

Autor: Tanjug


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Vucic to travel to London for European Political Community meeting


BELGRADE - Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic announced on Monday he would travel to London on Wednesday for an European Political Community meeting and bilateral discussions with the presidents and PMs of the most significant European countries, including the president of France and the Dutch PM.

"Interestingly, everything is taking place simultaneously with the election of top officials of the EU, above all, the European Commission, but this is also an opportunity for us to speak with those who are in the EU. I already have scheduled bilateral meetings with the presidents and the PMs of the most significant European countries," Vucic told reporters at the Presidency of Serbia.

He said he would meet with the new Dutch PM, the president of France and many other officials.

"I expect other important meetings, important encounters this week that I cannot confirm yet because not all details have been worked out. As I have already said several times, we will be trying and fighting until the end of the summer, until the beginning of autumn, to set up things that will mean accelerated development, further progress of Serbia," Vucic said.

He also announced that he expected the production of a new car model at the Stellantis plant in Kragujevac, central Serbia, to begin in about ten days, and noted that it would be big news for the national economy and GDP.