17. jul 2024 12:58

Vucevic: I expect no change in US policy on Kosovo-Metohija

Autor: Tanjug


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Vucevic: I expect no change in US policy on Kosovo-Metohija


BELGRADE - Serbian PM Milos Vucevic said on Wednesday that, regardless of the outcome of the US presidential elections, no drastic change was to be expected when it comes to the US policy on Kosovo-Metohija.

Vucevic was responding to a Tanjug query whether changes in Brussels and potential changes in Washington after the presidential elections could impact the Belgrade-Pristina talks and the actions of Pristina's PM Albin Kurti.

"I expect no major changes from the composition of the European Commission," Vucevic said, adding that he believed the nomination of Estonia's former PM as the EU's foreign policy and security chief would boost the "anti-Russian narrative and a more hardline policy."

He also said Kurti would not give up on his agenda until the elections in Kosovo-Metohija and that he saw no progress, but fear of Kurti dragging Serbia into conflicts and expelling Serbs from Kosovo-Metohija.