24. jul 2024 18:02

Dacic: We should deal with Jadar project at expert, not political level

Autor: Tanjug


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Dacic: We should deal with Jadar project at expert, not political level


BELGRADE - Serbian Interior Minister Ivica Dacic said in the parliament on Wednesday the Jadar project and lithium mining in Serbia should be dealt with at expert, not political level.

In response to Green-Left Front MP Radomir Lazovic, who had criticised plans for lithium mining in Serbia, Dacic asked why Lazovic had not said anything about the Jadar project before 2020 even though he had been presenting himself as an environmental activist since 2010.

"What have you been doing in environmentalism for ten years?" Dacic said.

Responding to accusations from other opposition MPs, Dacic said he had never threatened to arrest anyone for protesting against lithium mining but that blockades of international roads and railway lines were not permitted.