25. jul 2024 18:11

Serbia-Azerbaijan commission on trade and economic cooperation meets in Baku

Autor: Tanjug


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Serbia-Azerbaijan commission on trade and economic cooperation meets in Baku

Foto: TANJUG/Ministarstvo kulture

BAKU - A Serbia-Azerbaijan intergovernmental commission on trade and economic cooperation held its eighth session in Baku on Thursday.

At the meeting, a protocol was signed and agreements were reached in the business, infrastructure, energy, agriculture and cultural sectors.

The commission, co-chaired by Serbian Culture Minister Nikola Selakovic and Azerbaijani Minister of Labour and Social Protection Sahil Babayev, concluded that its work proceeded in a context of dynamic Serbia-Azerbaijan relations, which it said was an important political factor for development of strategic partnership, and bilateral economic relations in particular, the Serbian government said in a statement.

The co-chairs reviewed numerous prospects of economic cooperation in various fields and noted the importance of recommendations by Presidents Aleksandar Vucic and Ilham Aliyev for stepping up, and concrete implementation of, economic cooperation in the sectors of construction, infrastructure, transport, trade, agriculture, energy, health care, education, labour and social protection and tourism and culture.

Selakovic and Babayev noted that the session had been held in the spirit of a declaration on friendship and strategic partnership between Serbia and Azerbaijan and a joint action plan on strategic partnership between the two countries.

They confirmed that bilateral relations were based on the fundamental norms and principles of international law, including respect for sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability of internationally recognised borders.

Selakovic said bilateral relations had reached a good level in various fields in the past several years, at political level, in particular.

He added that the two countries supported each other in the international political arena, shared the same values and were committed to the same principles, above all, the principles of the UN Charter and international law.

Selakovic thanked Azerbaijan for supporting Serbia on the Kosovo-Metohija issue and noted that Serbia was committed to the principles of respect for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of UN member states, including Azerbaijan.

The meeting also addressed transport and the issue of better connectivity between Serbia and Azerbaijan, given the geographic distance between the two countries.

Selakovic said introducing direct flights between the two countries was a key task for both sides in the coming period and crucial for further development of bilateral relations.