3. septembar 2024 18:13

Lajcak, Miscevic discuss EU Growth Plan for Western Balkans

Autor: Tanjug


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Lajcak, Miscevic discuss EU Growth Plan for Western Balkans

Foto: Platforma ''X'', @MiroslavLajcak

BLED - The EU special envoy for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue and other Western Balkan regional issues, Miroslav Lajcak, announced on Tuesday he had met with Serbian Minister for European Integration Tanja Miscevic at the Bled Strategic Forum (BSF) in Slovenia.

"In the margins of BSF2024, I spoke to Serbian Minister for European Integration Tanja Miscevic about the Growth Plan for the Western Balkans in the context of Serbia’s EU accession and the EU expectations from Serbia," Lajcak wrote in a post on X.

Earlier, he also posted that he had taken part in a "very insightful discussion" on the Western Balkans and its path towards EU accession, convened by Slovenian FM Tanja Fajon.