25. septembar 2024 13:51

Djuric: Vucic demonstrated international law, UN Charter are sacred to Serbia

Autor: Tanjug


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Djuric: Vucic demonstrated international law, UN Charter are sacred to Serbia


NEW YORK - Serbian FM Marko Djuric said President Aleksandar Vucic's speech in the UN General Assembly on Tuesday had laid bare the unpleasant truth that some countries that claimed to be the greatest advocates of international law had not respected that law in the case of Serbia.

"I think that, for Serbia's positioning, it is crucial that we have demonstrated in the UN - not only in President Vucic's speech but also in the dozens of separate meetings President Vucic and I had with representatives of countries around the world - that the UN Charter and international law are sacred to Serbia and that we have demonstrated that Serbia is an autonomous and, in fact, an independent centre of political decision-making in the full sense of the word, or one that is dependent only on the citizens of Serbia," Djuric told Serbian reporters in New York.

He added that much had been heard this week about the position of Serbs in the autonomous province of Kosovo-Metohija.

"We laid bare the unilateral and uncoordinated measures by the Kurti regime and demonstrated why 28 countries have derecognised (the so-called Kosovo) in the past period," Djuric said, noting that pro-Albanian lobbyists were also in New York to try to "make Serbia's position more difficult."