2. oktobar 2024 17:24

Mojsilovic: Security situation in Kosovo-Metohija volatile due to Pristina's moves

Autor: Tanjug


podeli vest

Mojsilovic: Security situation in Kosovo-Metohija volatile due to Pristina's moves


BELGRADE - Serbian Armed Forces Chief of General Staff Gen Milan Mojsilovic received a farewell visit from Kfor Commander Maj Gen Ozkan Ulutas on Wednesday, noting that the security situation in the territory of Serbia's Autonomous Province of Kosovo-Metohija was volatile and sensitive due to unilateral and provocative moves by the Pristina provisional institutions that were aimed at changing the ethnic composition in the north of the province.

Mojsilovic and Ulutas discussed the current security situation in the territory of Kosovo-Metohija and the scope of cooperation between the Serbian Armed Forces and Kfor during Ulutas's tenure at the helm of the international security forces in the province, the Serbian MoD said in a statement.

Mojsilovic thanked the Turkish general for his cooperation and professional engagement as Kfor commander and wished him success in his new duties.

Ulutas will be succeeded by Italian Maj Gen Enrico Barduani, who is due to take over on October 11.