23. oktobar 2024 16:04

Stano: Thursday's agenda is implementation of Ohrid deal, agreement on progress

Autor: Tanjug


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Stano: Thursday's agenda is implementation of Ohrid deal, agreement on progress

Foto: Tanjug video

BRUSSELS - European Commission spokesman Peter Stano said the need to "urgently start with the implementation of the Ohrid Agreement" as well as the need for both parties to "finally be able to agree on progress in the dialogue" would be on the agenda of Thursday's round of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue iat chief negotiators level.

"I can only say that the agenda is as it was also in the past: the need to urgently start with the implementation of the Ohrid Agreement, and the need for both parties to finally be able to agree on progress in the dialogue," Stano said at a Brussels press briefing in response to a Tanjug query about the agenda of the dialogue.

Asked by Tanjug if the chief negotiators of Belgrade and Pristina would hold a trilateral meeting with EU special envoy Miroslav Lajcak in Brussels, Stano said the EU always tried to "keep the usual choreography" but that a trilateral meeting "very much depends on the willingness of both sides to meet in such a trilateral format."

The chief negotiators last met with Lajcak in Brussels on September 17, but no trilateral meeting was held.

The head of the Serbian government Office for Kosovo-Metohija Petar Petkovic, who is also Belgrade's chief negotiator in the EU-facilitated dialogue, said at the time a trilateral session had been rejected by Pristina's chief negotiator Besnik Bislimi after Belgrade's delegation insisted on topics such as a Community of Serb Municipalities, postal services and implementation of agreements.