12. decembar 2024 16:59

Switzerland proud to be EXPO 2027 participant - ambassador

Autor: Tanjug


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Switzerland proud to be EXPO 2027 participant - ambassador


BELGRADE - Swiss Ambassador to Serbia Anne Lugon-Moulin said on Thursday Switzerland was proud to be a participant of EXPO 2027, to be hosted by Belgrade, and noted that its participation would add an important element to the rich and diverse relations between Switzerland and Serbia.

At a meeting with Dusan Borovcanin, director of the EXPO 2027 Belgrade enterprise, Lugon-Moulin said she was pleased her country had been the first to confirm its participation.

The meeting was also attended by a Presence Switzerland representative.

The ambassador noted that the first-ever EXPO in the Western Balkans was seen as an opportunity for the start of a "new era of harmony and friendship," EXPO 2027 Belgrade said in a statement.

Switzerland has taken part in seven EXPOs in the past 20 years and has also confirmed it would participate in EXPO 2025 in Osaka.

Borovcanin thanked the ambassador for confirming Switzerland's attendance of the Belgrade EXPO and welcomed a Swiss team that will be working on preparing the country's participation in the event.

He added that more than 120 countries and international organisations were expected to take part in EXPO 2027, scheduled to take place from May 15 through August 15, 2027.

Borovcanin said Switzerland was "known as a country of beautiful nature and diligent people as well as great friends of Serbia" and that its rendition of the Play for Humanity theme was eagerly anticipated in Serbia.

The 92-day specialised EXPO is expected to attract more than 4 mln visitors, the statement said.