14. februar 2023 13:21

Putin congratulates Vucic on Serbia's Statehood Day

Autor: Tanjug


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Putin congratulates Vucic on Serbia's Statehood Day

Foto: Vladimir Smirnov, Sputnik, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP/Grigory Sysoyev

BELGRADE - Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic received on Tuesday a congratulatory message from the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin ahead of February 15, Serbia's Statehood Day.

"Serbia is a significant and dependable partner of Russia. We highly appreciate the balanced foreign policy course pursued by Belgrade in the current complex international circumstances.

We support your efforts aimed at protecting the territorial integrity of your country and resolving the Kosovo issue. I am confident that further development of the Russian-Serbian strategic partnership fully suits the interests of our brotherly nations.

I sincerely wish good health and success to you and well-being and prosperity to all Serbian citizens," says the Russian president's message, presented to Vucic by Russian Ambassador to Belgrade Alexander Botsan-Kharchenko.