17. februar 2023 17:23

Novi Sad prosecutors request custody for coup suspects

Autor: Tanjug


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Novi Sad prosecutors request custody for coup suspects

Foto: Shutterstock.com/MIND AND I, ilustracija

NOVI SAD - The Higher Public Prosecutor's Office in Novi Sad on Friday requested custody for three people suspected of calling for a violent overthrowing of authorities.

The three, identified by the initials D B, I T and M J, are suspected of the criminal acts of calling for a violent change of the constitutional order and illicit manufacture, possession, carrying and distribution of weapons and explosive matters, and M J is also suspected of aggravated theft, the Prosecutor's Office said in a statement.

D B and I T, residents of Backa Palanka, are activists of the People's Patrols organisation and M J is a resident of Susek.

The suspects were heard before the Prosecutor's Office earlier in the day.

The Prosecutor's Office ordered an investigation of the suspects following a February 15 protest outside the Presidency of Serbia building in central Belgrade.

Before the protest, police in Sremska Kamenica seized a hunting rifle with an optical sight and ammunition from a car owned by D B.

The suspects were detained later in the day.