13. april 2023 14:28
Vucic: Provocations are Pristina's sole objective, it wants to get us into war with NATO
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RASKA - Pristina's sole objective is to provoke the Serbs so that it can portray itself as a victim and a "Zelenskyy" and get Serbia into a conflict with NATO, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said at a meeting with representatives of Kosovo-Metohija Serbs in Raska, central Serbia, on Thursday.
"Their (Pristina's) sole objective is to make as many and as strong provocations as possible so that they can portray themselves as some kind of 'Zelenskyy' who is in jeopardy and get us into a conflict with NATO, which would then be supposed to liberate the whole world from those they call Russian servants. That is the whole point of what they are doing," Vucic said.
We have only ourselves to rely on, he noted.
"We can only rely on our Serbia, and no one else. No one can help us - not even those who would want to, but I do not really see them queuing up to help us, which was also the case in 1999 and in many other years," he said.