17. april 2023 18:10

Dacic meets with Gabon's Nyonda

Autor: Tanjug


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Dacic meets with Gabon's Nyonda


BELGRADE - Serbian FM Ivica Dacic met with Yolande Nyonda, Minister Delegate at the Gabonese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in Belgrade on Monday.

Speaking to reporters after the meeting, Dacic said Serbia wanted to advance its cooperation with Gabon, above all, in the fields of economy and education, and added that Belgrade appreciated Gabon's support to the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia.

He noted that Serbia valued its long-standing relations with Gabon and would officially mark the 50th anniversary of bilateral relations between the two countries in October.

"We want to transform our friendly relations into the best possible cooperation on various other matters that are of vital interest to the citizens of Serbia and Gabon," Dacic said.

He said the current level of bilateral economic cooperation was very modest but that there was much room for improvement and that it held huge potential for the future.

"We want to boost our economic cooperation. Our bilateral trade is extremely small," Dacic said.

He announced that a Gabonese delegation headed by Nyonde would in the next few days meet with Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management Jelena Tanaskovic and that discussions about the education sector would be held as well.