8. maj 2023 13:09

Lajcak: Management team's draft is starting point for upcoming discussions

Autor: Tanjug


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Lajcak: Management team's draft is starting point for upcoming discussions

Foto: AP Photo/Darko Vojinovic

BRUSSELS - The EU special representative for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue Miroslav Lajcak says a draft statute of the Community of Serb Municipalities, presented by a management team at a May 2 meeting in Brussels, is not final, but that it is "an important starting point for the upcoming discussions on the Chief Negotiators' level."

Recapping last week in a Facebook post, Lajcak said Belgrade and Pristina had taken "an important and symbolic step towards the establishment of the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities."

He also welcomed the adoption of a declaration on missing persons and said it would "not only help their families find peace but also advance the normalisation between Kosovo and Serbia."