12. oktobar 2023 13:56

Petkovic: Kurti has started paving way for more terror, expulsions of Serbs

Autor: Tanjug


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Petkovic: Kurti has started paving way for more terror, expulsions of Serbs


BELGRADE - The head of the Serbian government Office for Kosovo-Metohija Petar Petkovic said on Thursday Pristina's PM Albin Kurti, through a brutal campaign of lies and disinformation, had started paving the way for more terror and expulsions of Serbs from the north of Kosovo-Metohija.

It is now clear he will continue to use unsustainable conspiracy theories and made-up threats to further escalate the repression against the Serbs in the period to come, Petkovic said.

"Throughout history, occupiers have always tried to portray themselves as protectors of the enslaved - however, Kurti's tactics of occupying someone 'for their own good' will not work with Serbs in Kosovo-Metohija, who have seen through Pristina's intentions a long time ago and themselves feel the consequences of Kurti's terror on a daily basis," Petkovic said.

"Kurti and his criminal parapolice, which wreaks terror and fear among the peaceful Serb population in the north of the province, are the exclusive source of all problems in Kosovo-Metohija," he said.

"Therefore, the only path to building peace and reducing tensions leads through the necessary de-escalation that Pristina must carry out and, without delay, withdraw its police phalanxes from the north of the province and stop daily arrests of innocent Serbs and any other oppression," Petkovic said.

"Kurti will not willingly consent to any withdrawal because his goal is neither dialogue not normalisation, but a substantial change of the situation on the ground, through perfidious ethnic cleansing under the guise of looking after security in the north of Kosovo-Metohija. That is why it is necessary that influential international factors in Kosovo-Metohija look in the eyes of reality and stop Kurti's project," he also said.