17. oktobar 2023 18:12

Vucic: I also discussed Kosovo-Metohija with Xi, we were met with understanding

Autor: Tanjug


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Vucic: I also discussed Kosovo-Metohija with Xi, we were met with understanding

Foto: Tanjug video

BEIJING - Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Tuesday he had had an extremely friendly discussion with Chinese President Xi Jinping on all important topics, including the issue of Kosovo-Metohija.

Speaking to reporters in Beijing, Vucic said the meeting had addressed respect of the norms of international law and what Serbia was going through, as well as double standards and a lack of respect of the UN Charter and UNSC Resolution 1244.

"We were met with understanding from our Chinese friends. We also discussed other things we need, from cooperation in all fields of economy and business to cooperation in military technology," Vucic said, adding that China was Serbia's only source of more modern and more sophisticated arms and military equipment at this time.

He said they had discussed infrastructure ties and a growing number of Chinese investments.

He noted that two out of Serbia's top three exporters were Chinese companies.

Vucic said introduction of new flights between Serbia and China had been discussed as well and that Serbia was interested in flights to Shanghai and Guangzhou.

He said a FTA with China, signed earlier in the day, was a great step forward for Serbia.

Commenting on EU reactions to the deal, he said Serbia must survive by the time it joined the EU.

Vucic also said he had had a very important meeting with Kenyan President William Ruto in Beijing and added that he expected Kenya not to recognise the so-called Kosovo.

He also said he expected Ruto to visit Serbia.

"I had a very long conversation with President Ruto and I think we understood each other well on the matter of respect of international public law. You can never speak in someone else's name, but as far as we are concerned, I think we did a good job and we expect him to come to Belgrade soon," Vucic said.

He said he had met with Indonesian President Joko Widodo and invited him to visit Serbia.

Vucic said he had also spoken with UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, Hungarian PM Viktor Orban and many other officials, including Russian President Vladimir Putin.

"I saw President Putin and we spoke briefly, very briefly, we did not have a bilateral meeting," he said.