27. decembar 2023 13:13

Seven suspects in Belgrade riots plead guilty, custody proposed for 11 others

Autor: Tanjug


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Seven suspects in Belgrade riots plead guilty, custody proposed for 11 others

Foto: Shutterstock.com/Amnaj Khetsamtip, ilustracija

BELGRADE - Seven people suspected in the December 24 riots outside the Belgrade City Hall have pleaded guilty to the criminal offences of calling for overthrowing the constitutional order by violent means and violent conduct at a sports event or a public gathering, with custody proposed for 11 others to prevent them from repeating the offences.

All suspects, aged 18 to 68, presented their defences during a hearing at the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office in Belgrade yesterday and last night, the Prosecutor's Office said in a statement.

The seven suspects who pleaded guilty after the hearing signed plea agreements in exchange for suspended sentences of three or six months of imprisonment and fines of 10,000 or 20,000 dinars.

The agreements are pending approval by the Higher Court in Belgrade.

Two other suspects have been released from detention and will remain free during further proceedings.

All suspects face criminal complaints for the said offences and, following an abbreviated procedure of collecting evidence, the Prosecutor's Office will decide on whether to file a motion to indict them or halt proceedings.

(1 euro = 117.15 dinars)