23. januar 2024 11:53

Brnabic meets with Braathu, Hill

Autor: Tanjug


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Brnabic meets with Braathu, Hill


BELGRADE - Serbian PM Ana Brnabic met with OSCE Mission head Jan Braathu and US Ambassador to Belgrade Christopher Hill on Monday to discuss government measures aimed at improving the position of national minorities.

Brnabic said development of society as a whole and strengthening of mutual trust was achieved solely in the spirit of tolerance, through dialogue and through tackling challenges faced by minorities, to which the Serbian government's policy is especially committed, the government said in a statement.

Serbia is a successful example of solving national minority issues, as testified by its continued work on advancement of legislation and other acts related to adequate application of the languages and scripts of national minorities, Brnabic added.

Brnabic also highlighted the representation of minorities in political and democratic processes.

Braathu and Hill told Brnabic they would continue their cooperation, which has produced significant results in the past, too, and noted the importance of supporting continued dialogue about this at national and regional level, the statement also said.