2. februar 2024 11:59

Djuric conveys concerns to US senator over Pristina's unilateral moves

Autor: Tanjug


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Djuric conveys concerns to US senator over Pristina's unilateral moves


WASHINGTON - Serbia's Ambassador to Washington Marko Djuric met with US Senator Pete Ricketts, a newly-elected member of the Senate Subcommittee on Europe, to discuss the current political and security situation in the Western Balkans and convey Belgrade's concerns over unilateral moves by Pristina.

Djuric noted that continued unilateral and non-constructive decisions were leading further and further away from the negotiating table, the Serbian embassy in the US said in a statement.

"Our priority is our people and their status in Kosovo-Metohija. Pristina's provocative moves are based on the self-will of one man, whose sole goal is to expel the Serb population from our southern province," Djuric noted.

He said Belgrade had met all of its commitments under all agreements signed and reached to date while Pristina had still not formed a Community of Serb Municipalities - overdue for almost 11 years now - and continued to oppose all aspirations towards a compromise solution.