7. februar 2024 13:53

BIO4 Campus presented to US investment firms in New York

Autor: Tanjug


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BIO4 Campus presented to US investment firms in New York


NEW YORK - Serbian Minister of Science, Technological Development and Innovation Jelena Begovic and the director of the IT and entrepreneurship team in PM Ana Brnabic's cabinet, Nenad Paunovic, have presented the BIO4 Campus project - a 450 mln euro investment - to representatives of US investment firms in New York.

According to a statement released by Begovic's ministry, Serbia's efforts to keep up with global trends in science by building a scientific city of sorts in Belgrade drew extremely positive reactions from the representatives.

Begovic said the presentation had been the first held at Serbia's Permanent Mission to the UN to address the topics of artificial intelligence and the BIO4 Campus.

"We brought together potential investors and our diaspora, to which we want to present Serbia's vision of its own future and what the possibilities and the chances are. The US is probably one of the most developed ecosystems when it comes to exceptional higher education, innovation, development of technology and science. If America hears of BIO4, a good part of the world will likely hear of it as well," she said.

She said it was important to communicate a vision of Serbia's future, its vision of biotech and artificial intelligence and establish cooperation with the best companies and universities in the US.

Paunovic said the BIO4 Campus was a scientific as well as a business project.

"The highest-developed businesses in this sector are in America, in the Boston/Cambridge area and, of course, in New York. This is where the biggest companies are, companies with which BIO4 Campus already has MoUs, such as Pfizer or Gingko Bioworks, with which we will have meetings to expand cooperation and deepen our relationships to work even more on joint projects involving Serbian scientific institutes and our BIO4 Campus," he said.

After the presentation of the BIO4 Campus, Brnabic's adviser Stefan Badza spoke about opportunities for development of AI in Serbia.