23. septembar 2024 18:42

Vucic: Cypriot president interested in resolution of Kosovo-Metohija problem

Autor: Tanjug


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Vucic: Cypriot president interested in resolution of Kosovo-Metohija problem

Foto: Tanjug video

NEW YORK - Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Monday in New York his meeting with Cypriot counterpart Nikos Christodoulides had addressed the good bilateral cooperation and that Christodoulides had been especially interested in a resolution of the problem in Serbia's autonomous province of Kosovo-Metohija.

Speaking to reporters in New York, Vucic said they had discussed the European path and cooperation, including military cooperation, and that he expected the two countries to share embassies to cover as many foreign states as possible.

"With Philip Morris, I discussed economic topics, they will invest 100 mln euros in Serbia, which is a huge thing for us. They are investing in Nis and they will continue to invest and we will advance our cooperation. They will be producing smokeless cigarettes," Vucic said.

He said he had also spoken with the Kenyan president and that he expected him to pay a visit to Serbia that would certainly contribute to better cooperation.

"I also spoke with (Turkish President Recep Tayyip) Erdogan. It was a substantial discussion, we disagree on Kosovo-Metohija. We expect an important visit in the coming months, we share many interests and we should resolve all problems in good spirit," Vucic said.

He also said Serbia had begun establishing diplomatic relations with three new states - Tuvalu, Kiribati and Guyana.