31. oktobar 2024 17:06
Vulin: We need new historic agreement
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MINSK - Serbian Deputy PM Aleksandar Vulin said at the opening of the 2nd Minsk International Conference on Eurasian Security on Thursday that big world powers must demonstrate the strength and responsibility to forge a new agreement because, "without a new agreement, without new values applicable to us all, there will be no future."
Vulin noted that a "complete lack of international law" was the biggest problem of our civilisation, the Serbian government said in a statement.
There has been no international law since 1999, when NATO began its aggression on Serbia, he said.
"In 1999, NATO launched an aggression on sovereign Serbia and the then Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, without UN consent and without asking any of you - they just started the aggression. That is when they tried to kill Serbia but instead, they killed international law. We survived - we Serbs always survive: we survived the Turks, the Austro-Hungarians, the Germans, and we survived NATO as well. But international law did not survive, and that is the main problem of our generation, our civilisation," Vulin said.
He noted that a lack of shame was also one of the major problems of our civilisation.
"The Western civilisation is not ashamed of anything. They are not ashamed of lying and of spreading NATO eastward. We would have been living in peace today had they kept their word that they would not spread to the East. Simply, just that. They are not ashamed of that lie, they were not ashamed of not keeping the word that they would respect the Minsk Agreement. They are not ashamed of having given their word to Serbia that they would respect the Brussels Agreement - yet, eleven years after we signed the Brussels Agreement, we still do not have a formed Community of Serb Municipalities, and the Serbs are a nation that has no rights whatsoever in Kosovo-Metohija. They are not ashamed of their own lies. They know no shame, they do not know what the truth, honour and agreements are, and what a seed of peace is," Vulin said.