30. jun 2023 19:25

Vucevic asks US to use leverage on Pristina to avert escalation

Autor: Tanjug


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Vucevic asks US to use leverage on Pristina to avert escalation


BELGRADE - Serbian Defence Minister Milos Vucevic met with US Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs Tressa Guenov on Friday and asked the US to use its leverage on Pristina to avert further escalation of conflicts in the north of Kosovo-Metohija.

Vucevic said Pristina's dangerous policy of violence was cancelling out all achievements of dialogue to date, but noted that Belgrade was ready for further dialogue as it was striving to ensure peaceful life to the Serb community in Kosovo-Metohija by peaceful means, the Ministry of Defence said in a statement.

He said Serbia saw Kfor as the only legitimate armed formation in Kosovo-Metohija, in line with UNSCR 1244, and added that the security of Kfor troops was unquestionable and a priority for Serbia.

He added that Serbia continued to pursue a balanced defence policy and constantly worked to advance it, and that it was also working on advancement and development of defence relations with all states and international oragnisations in line with its long-term strategic commitment to remain a militarily neutral state.

He said being recognised by the US as a major partner in ensuring stability and security in the Western Balkan region was significant for Serbia, and noted that Serbia was firmly committed to remain a promoter of dialogue and a factor of stability in the region.

He said recent visits by US delegations reflected a strengthening of bilateral ties and that defence cooperation was a traditionally highly developed domain, and highlighted the newly-established joint participation in multinational peace operations, joint military exercises and training, as well as US donations to the Serbian defence system.

He noted that military-economic cooperation held potential for further development in mutual interest and that the Serbian Armed Forces and the Ohio National Guard maintained substantial and multi-faceted cooperation.

Thanking Vucevic for the cordial reception, Guenov said she expected Serbia and the US to take their cooperation in all fields of mutual interest to a higher level in the coming period.