23. decembar 2022 14:56

Brnabic: Pristina's public arrest list for Serbs new provocation by Kurti

Autor: Tanjug


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Brnabic: Pristina's public arrest list for Serbs new provocation by Kurti

Foto: Tanjug video

BELGRADE - Serbian PM Ana Brnabic said on Friday Pristina's arrest lists for Serbs were absolutely nothing new to Belgrade, and noted that the only difference was that Pristina had now publicly released such a list, six months after officially denying it was making them.

"And really, after this, no one in the international community has the right to turn a blind eye on a fact that even Pristina is no longer hiding - that they have a list of undesirable Serbs," Brnabic said.

"The list includes names that have absolutely nothing to do with politics. The list includes the names of the brother and the older son of the president of the Republic of Serbia. That is a new provocation, new destabilisation of the region and a new attempt of creating chaos, which (Pristina's PM Albin) Kurti has been doing continuously with the aim of causing a conflict," Brnabic said in a written statement to the press.

She vehemently condemned the attack on President Aleksandar Vucic's family and once again appealed to all relevant actors in the international community not to turn a blind eye on the terror against Serbs in Kosovo-Metohija.

"Open threats, public intimidation and political persecution are the reality for all non-Albanian citizens in the territory of Kosovo-Metohija. As a reminder, this is taking place in the 21st century, at the heart of Europe and under the patronage of UNMIK, EULEX and KFOR, and it is high time everyone stood up to protect them," Brnabic also said.