8. novembar 2024 14:51
Tanjug, Italpress sign contract on cooperation
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BELGRADE - Serbia's Tanjug News Agency signed on Friday a contract on inter-agency cooperation with the Italian news agency Italpress under which the agencies will exchange news, photo and video services.
The contract was signed by Italpress founder and Director Gaspare Borsellino and Tanjug Director Manja Grcic.
Grcic noted that the contract would spread Serbian influence in Italy.
"We are extremely honoured to have a contract with Italy's largest privately-owned news agency, besides the contract we already have with the Italian state news agency ANSA," Grcic said.
She said the cooperation would enable an exchange of all materials and news reports and contribute to more comprehensive and more accurate information.
Borsellino said the cooperation with Tanjug had strategic significance and that, after Bucharest, Belgrade was the next major geopolitical spot for Italpress.
On Thursday, Borsellino signed an agreement with the Director of the Serbian government Office for Public and Cultural Diplomacy Arnaud Gouillon on media cooperation, noting that the document would help increase the quantity of information coming to and from Italy.
Headquartered in Rome, Milan and Palermo, Italpress has been operating for 36 years.